Grants to Pay for Graduate School for Reading Specialist in Pa

Reading Specialist Certification

Master of Pedagogy with Certification

Convenient | Comprehensive | Gimmicky


Program of Report

The Chief of Education with Reading Specialist Certification is an online/blended program designed to run across the needs of working professionals.  The goals of the program are iii fold.  First, it is intended to fix reading specialist/literacy coaches who tin plan, implement, and maintain a developmental instructional programme.  2d, it provides teachers with the ability to recognize and work effectively with learners who have varying degrees of difficulty in reading, or who accept other learning issues.  Tertiary, it prepares teachers to interact with peers while working as reading specialists/literacy coaches to back up best practices in literacy. Download our brochure for more information almost our nationally recognized plan.

The Masters Degree in Reading program of report is nationally recognized past the International Literacy Clan (July 2017) and the National Quango for Accreditation of Teacher Education (April 2013).   This program of study adheres to the International Literacy Clan Code of Bear.

If you lot already agree a Principal of Education degree, you may be interested in the Reading Specialist Certification program or our Instructional Double-decker Endorsement Certificate.

  • Reading Specialist Certification:  View or download a brochure (PDF)
  • Instructional Autobus Endorsement:  View or download a brochure (PDF)

Of import NOTES:

  • The Reading Specialist certificate may be obtained in the Master of Education in Reading and Reading Specialist programs only as an added certificate to a valid Pennsylvania Instructional I or II teaching certificate.  The teaching certificate needs to be in an area which includes coursework in reading. (e.g., secondary instruction, unproblematic instruction, special education, early childhood).
  • Effective January 1, 2011: The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) has enacted legislation which is reflected in Chapter 49-ii requirements regarding certification programs. Chapter 49-two requirements for the Accommodations and Adaptations of English Language Learners (ELL) stipulate at least 9 credits (270 hours) of coursework in Special Educational activity and at to the lowest degree three credits (ninety hours) of coursework in English as a Second Language.  All certification candidates who enroll in a certification program subsequently January 1, 2011 will need to meet the PDE requirements unless they have met these requirements in a previous certificate. Delight know that the Foundation and Application Level coursework in the Graduate Reading program already has embedded 6 credits (180 hours) in Special Education.

M.Ed. Reading Specialist Certification

Plan Completion Requirements:

  • Valid Pennsylvania Instructional I or II certificate*
  • 36 credit hours
  • Comprehensive Program Portfolio
  • Praxis Reading Specialist Exam.

* Applicants who concur out-of-country certification or invalid PA certificates, may be admitted conditionally, but volition not be able to consummate the programme until they hold a valid PA Instructional I document.

The Graduate Reading program does not honour, or recommend candidates for the initial Instruction I or II certificate. The goals of the program are three fold. Start, it is intended to set up reading specialists/literacy coaches who can program, implement, and maintain a developmental instructional program. Second, it provides teachers with the ability to recognize and work effectively with learners who have varying degrees of difficulty in reading, or who have other learning problems. Third, it prepares teachers to collaborate with peers while working as reading specialists/literacy coaches to support all-time practices in literacy. The focus of the program is both preventive and corrective. In society to meet professional person standards, the programme includes a combination of theoretical and practical experiences and activities.

Applicants who hold a valid Pennsylvania (PA) Instructional I or II Certificate, have taken the Praxis Reading Specialist Test and successfully completed all required reading educational activity and degree requirements will exist issued a Chief of Education degree.  Those who accept passed the Praxis Reading Specialist Exam and have met the preceding requirements will be recommended to the PA Department of Didactics for Reading Specialist certification.

Program Completion: All students accustomed into the programs described above must complete all requirements within vi (vi) agenda years.

Awarding Information: To use for either the Masters of Education in Reading program (which includes Reading Specialist certification) or for the Reading Specialist certification program, visit the Graduate Admissions website and follow the awarding procedures. For this program, the admissions requirement of an acceptable score on the Graduate Record Test (GRE) may be satisfied by any one of the post-obit:

  • Passing score on the Praxis Two examinations
  • Passing score on the National Instructor Test
  • Ten years teaching experience in an elementary or secondary schoolhouse with appropriate certification

Three Application Form/ Recommendation Forms must exist used for recommendations in the application package.  Recommendations should exist requested from professionals in the field, eastward.g., master, professional colleague, university professor.  Download the course.

Application for Candidacy: All teachers accustomed into the plan (excluding those on probationary status) should make application for candidacy subsequently completion of between twelve (12) and twenty-four (24) graduate credits with an academic boilerplate of 3.0.  At to the lowest degree vi (6) credits must be from the area of specialization. Teachers should utilize online for candidacy. A secondary method is to download the Awarding for Candidacy Class from the Graduate Studies website, complete the course, obtain his/her counselor's signature, and forward the awarding to the Registrar'due south Office, 115 Stratton Administration Center. Candidacy must exist obtained at least one semester before the degree is granted.

Quotation Mark

Don't be afraid to reach out, professors are always available. Don't be afraid to speak upwards during course considering in grad school your classmates are coming from all over, including different districts, and information technology'south important to hear what each other experiences.

Logan Metcalf, 2022

Form Schedule


  • ERS 513
  • ERS 502
  • ERS 514
  • ERS 579
  • Possible elective


  • ERS 504
  • ERS 574
  • ERS 577
  • ELU 532


  • ERS 506
  • ERS 578
  • ELU 531
  • Possible  constituent
Graduate Reading Faculty:
  • Dr. Catherine McGeehan
  • Dr. Darlene Schoenly
  • Admissions Requirements and Deadlines
    • Application
    • Official transcripts from all previous colleges or universities
    • Teaching Certification
    • Three letters of recommendation


    Fall semester: August 1st

    Bound semester: December 1st

    Summer sessions: May 1st

  • Program Requirements

    I. Required Coursework (27 hours)

    • Foundation Level Courses (15  hours)
      • EDU 502 Seminar in Research Foundations Pertinent to Reading
      • EDU 504 Literacy Curriculum & Instruction: Pre K-3
      • EDU 506 Literacy Curriculum & Instruction: Grades 4-viii
      • EDU 513 Literacy Curriculum & Educational activity: Adolescent - High School
      • EDU 514 The Reading Specialist & Intensified Instruction
    • Application Level Courses (12 hours)
      • EDU 574 Assessment of Reading: Clinical Practicum in Reading Diagnosis  (PREREQUISITES: all Foundation Level courses
      • EDU 579 Practicum in Literacy Instruction: Struggling Readers and Writers (PREREQUISITES : EDU 574 and admission to candidacy); six credits
      • EDU 577 Leadership for Reading Educators  (PREREQUISITES: all Foundation Level courses)

    Program Check sheets

    • Graduate students matriculated Fall 2013 (Current Plan)
    • Graduate students matriculated prior to Fall 2013 (Old Program)

    2. Required Electives (9 hours)

    Candidates are brash to select electives that will benefit them equally reading specialists/literacy coaches.  Courses related to diverseness, children's literature, writing teaching, curriculum, and technology are highly recommended.  Courses in other areas may be taken in consultation with their advisors.  Please know that EDW courses will not count every bit electives in the Programme.

    III. Comprehensive Plan Portfolio

    As a summative evaluation, a comprehensive program portfolio is required. The portfolio will reflect the professional person standards of the International Literacy Association. Candidates must have completed all their reading courses or be enrolled in their final reading course in order to present their comprehensive portfolios.  Presentations will be fabricated to graduate reading faculty three times during the twelvemonth : in Apr (May graduation);  June (August graduation); and November (Dec graduation).

    The Program is recognized by the International Literacy Association and National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Teaching.

    • IRA 2010 Standards

    IV. Completion of Reading Specialist Praxis Exam

    In society to graduate, all candidates must take or provide proof of registration for the Reading Specialist Praxis Exam and accept official scores on file at Kutztown University. In order to receive reading specialist certification, candidates must pass the Reading Specialist Praxis Exam and apply for certification.

    Awarding for Graduation:

    Awarding for graduation must be made through MyKU, following the directions provided.   Candidates should contact the Registrar'south Role for questions. Please notation that graduation (formal ceremony) occurs just in May and December.  However, recommendations to the Pennsylvania Department of Education for issuance of Reading Specialist Certification volition exist made upon completion of all requirements.  Also, for bacon purposes, upon asking, a letter can be sent to a school district indicating completion of plan requirements.

    Application for Certification:

    The Pennsylvania Section of Education now requires that each candidate submit her/his application online using the Teacher Information Management Organization (TIMS). Application should be made after the completion of all requirements which includes obtaining a passing score on the Reading Specialist Praxis Exam and receiving your final GPA.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • MED in Reading
    1. Foundational Knowledge: Candidates demonstrate knowledge of the theoretical, historical, and evidence-based foundations of literacy and language and the means in which they interrelate and the role of literacy professionals in schools.
    2. Curriculum and Instruction: Candidates use foundational knowledge to critique and implement literacy curricula to meet the needs of all learners and to design, implement, and evaluate bear witness-based literacy education for all learners.
    3. Assessment and Evaluation: Candidates understand, select, and use valid, reliable, fair, and advisable cess tools to screen, diagnose, and mensurate student literacy achievement; inform pedagogy and evaluate interventions; participate in professional learning experiences; explain assessment results and advocate for appropriate literacy practices to relevant stakeholders.
    4. Diverseness and Equity: Candidates demonstrate knowledge of research, relevant theories, pedagogies, essential concepts of variety and disinterestedness; demonstrate and provide opportunities for understanding all forms of diversity equally central to students' identities; create classrooms and schools that are inclusive and affirming; advocate for equity at school, district, and customs levels.
    5. Learners and the Literacy Environment: Candidates meet the developmental needs of all learners and collaborate with schoolhouse personnel to use a variety of print and digital materials to engage and motivate all learners; integrate digital technologies in appropriate, safe, and effective means; foster a positive climate that supports a literacy-rich learning environs.
    6. Professional person Learning and Leadership: Candidates recognize the importance of, participate in, and facilitate ongoing professional learning as function of career-long leadership roles and responsibilities.
    7. Practicum/Clinical Experiences (for specialized literacy professionals only): Candidates apply theory and best practise in multiple supervised practicum/clinical experiences.

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